Title Analysis of the influence of globalization and digitization in the configuration of the values of culture
Creator Ole Marius Hylland, Åsne Dahl Haugsevje and Ola K. Berge (Telemark Research Institute), Clara Lévy and Alain Quemin (University Paris 8)
Subject Analysis of the influence of globalization and digitization in the configuration of the values of culture
Description This report provides a review of values of culture relating to cultural administration, production and participation. The main strands of identified values are within the categories of: i) access – concerned with mere access as an end value, but also with access being seen as a tool for i.a. inclusion, cultural democracy and democratization -,ii) engagement and identification – finding that participation and diversity are core values that might lead to e.g. empowerment or identification -, and iii) production/performance. In general, the investigators find increasingly more critical views on the potential values of digitization in more contemporary research, especially in the categories of Access and Production/Performance.
Publisher UNCHARTED Project
Date October 2020
Type Report
Format PDF 346 KB
Language English
Rights Management Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons