Title | The HeLLo project: risk analysis and mitigation strategies |
Creator | L. Dias Pereira |
Contributor | N/A |
Subject | Presented at the 4th Energy for Sustainability International Conference – Designing a Sustainable Future. |
Description | Built heritage represents a significant part of tangible Cultural Heritage (CH). One important way of preserving this CH for the future is to keep it into use, and more importantly in a sustainable use. The MSCA-IF project entitled HeLLo – Heritage energy Living Lab onsite is grounded in the field of energy refurbishment of heritage buildings. In order to respond to the challenges/criticalities of intervening in historic buildings, an analysis of the guidelines, norms and procedures of CH protection was considered, including Italian Regulation (mostly due to the in-situ profile of the HeLLo project – to measure the building actual thermal-hygrometric behaviour and further thermal insulation materials performance). This paper presents the risks analysis and mitigation strategies of this project. Firstly, HeLLo is presented and framed in the guidelines and procedures for Cultural Heritage (CH) protection, including UNESCO/ICOMOS documentation. Then, a series of potential risks related to CH interventions are identified and HeLLo specific mitigation strategies are signalled. Finally, HeLLo initial steps and ongoing research are unveiled. |
Publisher | Itecons – Instituto de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico para a Construção, Energia, Ambiente e Sustentabilidade |
Date | July 2019 |
Type | Digital Paper |
Format | PDF 3,1 MB |
Source | https://iris.unife.it/handle/11392/2407044?mode=full.1428#.YBwbF-j7Q2x |
Language | English |
Rights Management | N/A |