Title | The HeLLo project: Ongoing Activities and Dissemination Actions |
Creator | L. Dias Pereira, M. Calzolari |
Contributor | N/A |
Subject | HeLLo dissemination & communication strategy output. |
Description | The MSCA-IF Heritage energy Living Lab onsite (HeLLo) project’s main objective is to create a structured dissemination programme that opens the doors of the laboratory beyond academic boundaries. MSCA research fellow Luisa Dias Pereira, and Marta Calzolari tell us more. |
Publisher | MCAA Newsletter is published by the Marie Curie Alumni Association (ISSN 2663-9483) |
Date | July 2020 |
Type | Dissemination material |
Format | PDF 2,3 MB |
Source | https://www.mariecuriealumni.eu/newsletter/research-newsletter-july-2020 |
Language | English |
Rights Management | N/A |