RICHES (Renewal, innovation & Change: Heritage and European Society) is a project co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration.
The aim of project is to bring cultural heritage and people together in a changing Europe in the digital age.
RICHES Team, composed by experts from cultural institutions, public and national administrations, SMEs, humanities and social sciences,researched the context of change in which European Cultural Heritage is transmitted that is enormously rich, but it is often “locked away” or badly preserved.
The project employed traditional and innovative research methods and tools to find new ways of engaging with heritage in a digital world for the benefit of all audiences and communities.
The project employed traditional and innovative research methods and tools to find new ways of engaging with heritage in a digital world for the benefit of all audiences and communities.
One of the research tasks of the RICHES project has been devoted to the analysis of the status of digital heritage mediated by memory institutions, such as libraries and museums.
The work has started with a collection of cases, where users contributed providing examples of their own experiences.
As a result of this analysis, a number of services and case studies have been identified and are provided in this Showcase.