Title REACH D7.2. – Sustainability plan
Creator Tim Hammerton, Neil Forbes (Coventry University – COVUNI) and Antonella Fresa (Promoter S.r.l)
Contributor Eszter György, Gábor Oláh (Eötvös Loránd Tudomanyegyetem University – ELTE), Friederike Berlekamp (Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz – SPK), José Maria Martin Civantos (Universidad de Granada – UGR), and Jaroslav Ira (Univerzita Karlova – CUNI)
Subject The REACH plan, agreed among the partners and the associate partners, for the sustainability of the social platform at the end of the project
Description This deliverable describes two areas of sustainability of the REACH project’s work. The first is how direct activities of the project will be maintained and results maximised after the funding period ends. The second relates to how the social platform has initiated a cultural heritage (CH) wide sector dialogue, involving significant organisations, to explore the further exchange of knowledge and expertise.
Publisher REACH Project
Date December 2020
Type Report
Format PDF 1,7 MB
Language English
Rights Management Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons