Title Heritage Research Matters
Creator Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritageand Global Change (JPI CH)
Subject Case studies of research impact contributing to sustainable development
Description This report by the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritageand Global Change (JPI CH) focusses on how the impact of cultural heritage research can enrich sustainable development. It aims to advance the ways that impact can be articulated in the design, implementation and assessment of research. It also promotes a holistic approach to sustainability where its social, economic and environmental dimensions are integrated. The case studies have been collated through an online survey, and collaboratively assessed by the JPI CH partners in the United Kingdom and Sweden
Publisher Swedish National Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet)
Date 2019
Type Report
Format PDF, 4,62
Language English
Rights Management Copyright according to Creative Commons license CC BY, unless otherwise stated.
Terms on https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0.
ISBN 978-91-7209-846-6 (PDF)
ISBN 978-91-7209-847-3 (PoD)