Title Analysis of the European historical and political experience in acknowledging and promoting the values of culture
Creator Claire Dedieu, Félix Dupin-Meynard, Emmanuel Négrier (CNRS, CEPEL) Eszter György, Gábor Oláh, Gábor Sonkoly (ELTE)
Subject Analysis of the European historical and political experience in acknowledging and promoting the values of culture 
Description The report questions the configurations in which European cultural policies attribute values to culture. It begins with a reflection on the meaning of value, then goes on to identify the numerous values identifiable in the history of cultural policies. A principle of classification into 5 major families of values is proposed: democracy, identity, well-being, aesthetics and economy. Finally, the report describes the dynamics of emergence and transformation of the values attributed to culture in historical configurations, through 3 examples: the valuation of heritage, the conflicts over the values of democracy, and the values underpinning the concept of sustainable development.
Publisher UNCHARTED Project
Date October 2020
Type Report
Format PDF 517 KB
Language English
Rights Management Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons