
Title Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Digitales Aplicadas
Casos de estudio y perspectivas críticas
Creator Medialab UGR, University of Granada
Subject Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Applied. Case studies and critical perspectives
Description This is a collection of case studies with a common topic: the digitization as background or digital methodologies as a form. The book is composed of 25 chapters addressing a wide range of current issues (feminism, sexuality, social control, geopolitical problems, new rights and digital threats, economy, tourism, education, museums, archives, digitization projects, art…). A set of approaches that, through digitization, become a source of inspiration to develop new analyses, helping in this way, to better understand the world in which we live.
Publisher Medialab UGR University of Granada, Downhill Publishing (NY)
Date September 2018
Type Book
Format PDF, 20 Mb
Language Spanish
Rights Management Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons